Do you want to apply for a grant or donation?
If you are a local group or organisation working to improve the quality of life for people in Northchurch, we may be able to help.
To apply for financial assistance, please read our Grant and Donations Policy then download the Grant Application Form, enter your details and email it to our clerk with any supporting documents.
For 2024-25 we have budgeted £6000 from general funds for small grants & donations but we can also make grants for infrastructure projects using CiL (Community Infrastructure Levy) money that we receive from developers. The grants awarded so far
- Toy Hub £750
- Northchurch United Charities £600
So far in previous years, we have provided funding for:
- Northchurch United Charities: £600 (donation, from general funds);
- The School Association at St. Mary's School to provide swimming lessons and a school crossing patrol;
- Age Concern Dacorum: £1,500 (grant for the footpath to the summer house at Sunnyside Rural Trust)
- Northchurch Cricket Club: £10,000 (grant towards new cricket nets, from CIL funding);
- Berkhamsted & Hemel Hempstead Hockey Club: £20,000 (grant towards the new artificial pitch, from CIL funding);
In 2020-21, we provided funding for:
- The School Association at St. Mary's School to provide swimming lessons and a school crossing patrol;
- Age Concern Dacorum to support vulnerable, elderly people in Northchurch;
- Colleen Duggan, a local resident, to make medical scrubs for Watford Hospital;
- Sunnyside Rural Trust to buy and install a defibrillator outside their farm shop in New Road.
- The installation of a defibrillator on the outside wall of Tesco Express.
In response to Covid and lockdowns, we focussed on supporting the elderly in 2020-21.
As the graphic below shows, a high proportion of Northchurch residents are over 65.